
Παρασκευή 9 Οκτωβρίου 2020


18 - Planetarian War: China-USA:  Biological War

Below is the conference on biological warfare that I received from Professor Francis A. Boyle.

Dimitri Kitsikis                       9 October 2020

From: Boyle, Francis A <fboyle@illinois.edu> 
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 1:39 PM
To: Killeacle <fboyle@uiuc.edu>
Subject: Covid-19 Is an Offensive Biological Warfare Weapon That Leaked Out of China’s Wuhan BSL4 Lab


Covid-19 Is an Offensive Biological Warfare Weapon That Leaked Out of China’s Wuhan BSL4 Lab*


Professor Francis A. Boyle


The International Conference on “Eradication of Biological and Chemical Weapons”

Maharashtra Institute of Technology World Peace University (MIT-PUNE)

Pune, India

June 26, 2020

*© 2020 by Francis A. Boyle. All rights reserved.

            Namaste! Thank you very much for having me here today to speak to this outstanding group of peacemakers, to which cause I have devoted the last five decades of my life. I drafted the United States domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act (BWATA) of 1989 that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the United States Congress and signed into law by President George Bush Senior. My BWATA was instigated by the fact that the Reagan administration and its Neoconservatives had gotten heavily involved into the use of DNA genetic engineering techniques to research, develop, and test illegal biological warfare weapons. I set out to stop this with the assistance of my friends and colleagues at the Council for Responsible Genetics at that time – some of the top life scientists in the world from Harvard, MIT, Sloan-Kettering, etc. They were founded in 1983 and soon thereafter asked me to join with them in order to work against biological weapons.

Now so far I have appeared live on Indian television twice in order to discuss and analyze the coronavirus at the very beginning of this pandemic. Once with Indian CNN, and it was a very good session. Then a second time with an indigenous Indian TV station, once again a very good session. Both times I told the Indian People that on the basis of my research I have concluded that COVID-19 is an offensive biological warfare weapon that leaked out of the Wuhan BSL4 in China. You have to understand that this Wuhan BSL4 is China’s First Fort Detrick. Let me repeat that; this is China’s First Fort Detrick. We all know what goes on at Fort Detrick.  Historically they have researched, developed, tested, stockpiled, and sometimes used offensive biological warfare weapons, including and especially by means of DNA genetic engineering and now by means of synthetic biology. That is precisely what I set out to stop with my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989. This is what is confronting us here today.

I am not a China-basher. I am not a Neoconservative. I am not a warmonger. But I believe that under the circumstances of this global pandemic I have to tell the truth about what happened here for all of us citizens of humanity to understand and then to figure out how to come to grips with this. We are literally fighting World War 3 here. Not against China but against COVID-19. It threatens all humanity. As you and I just saw from the statistics as of yesterday, the highest level of infection in the world is the United States, then followed by Brazil, and then followed by your India. So this is a very serious battle that we are engaged in here.

            Based on my scientific research that I won’t go through it all here, COVID-19 originated out of that Wuhan BSL4 as a biological warfare weapon. It basically starts with SARS, and SARS is a weaponized version of coronavirus. Earlier SARS had leaked out of Chinese biological warfare labs before. At the Wuhan BSL4 they manufactured a synthetic recombinant virus for SARS. Then their notorious Bat Queen brought it to a laboratory at the University of North Carolina that is a BSL3, biosafety lab level 3. Indeed all these biosafety level labs 3 and 4 have to be terminated immediately. They all leak. That’s exactly what happened at the Wuhan BSL4. I’m not saying China did this deliberately. It was a leak. Fort Detrick has leaked. All these BSL4s leak. They are existentially dangerous, and they must be shut down and the same is true for the BSL3s.

So the Wuhan BSL4 took this synthetic recombinant SARS virus over to the University of North Carolina BSL3, which is a well-known biological warfare center here in the United States that I have publicly condemned before. BSL3s do every type of hideous Nazi biological warfare dirty work that you can possibly imagine as well as the BSL4s, which are far worse. And they took it to the UNC BSL3 for the purpose of applying gain-of-function technology to it, which means using DNA genetic engineering and synthetic biology to make it more lethal and more infectious. Indeed involved in this Nazi death science dirty work was not only the University of North Carolina but the United States government’s own Food and Drug Administration that has a long history of being involved in biological warfare. Likewise my alma mater Harvard, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at the Harvard Medical School, which is supposed to be the No. 1 ranked in the country if not the world, and is part of Harvard’s world-renowned Massachusetts General Hospital Complex was involved in this project.  (When I was a student at Harvard I was treated over at Harvard’s MassGen on my Harvard student health plan.) There has long been an overlap between cancer research and biological warfare development. This Nazi biowarfare death science project was approved and paid for by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and NIAID under the direction of Dr Tony Fauci. Fauci has been up to his eyeballs in Nazi biowarfare death science dirty work since he became the Director of NIAID during the Neoconservative Reagan administration and has been there ever since approving it and funding it and supervising it. My BWATA was specifically designed to stop Fauci and these other American Nazi biowarfare death scientists.  To complete the circle, the UNC BSL3/Wuhan BSL4 project also acknowledged receiving cells from Fort Detrick. The notorious PRC Bat Queen personally handled all of this Nazi biowarfare death science dirty work at the Wuhan BSL4, and then brought it to the UNC BSL3 for gain-of-function enhancement, and  then brought this deadly combined biotechnology back to the Wuhan BSL4.

            In addition, your courageous Indian scientists here pointed out right at the very beginning of this pandemic, there is HIV that has been DNA genetically engineered directly into COVID-19. I read that study. It certainly convinced me. They had the pictures there. Of course, enormous political pressure was applied upon them to withdraw that study. But even the French microbiologist Montagnier who won the Nobel Prize in medicine for determining that HIV causes AIDS, confirmed that study and said that yes, HIV is DNA genetically engineered right into COVID-19. How did the Wuhan BSL4 get that? They sent a scientist down to Australia and working with the Australian Health Board they DNA genetically engineered HIV directly into SARS, which I have already explained is a weaponized coronavirus. So they brought that deadly biotechnology back to the Wuhan BSL4, and that can be confirmed by another scientific research paper that I have cited in my interviews on this matter. Indeed, if you doubt my analysis here, about a month ago there was a report by the well-known Five Eyes Committee of intelligence services from the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Britain, that was leaked to the Australian Daily Telegraph completely agreeing with my analysis that the COVID-19 came out of the Wuhan BSL4 courtesy of the University of North Carolina and  this Australian Health Board. That was published in the Australian news media and I appeared live on Sky News in Australia at the next available opportunity for about 10 minutes or so to discuss this with the Australian People.

            The final piece of the puzzle, at least as I have been able to determine so far, and I’m certainly fully prepared to reevaluate my conclusions on the basis of further evidence, is that the Wuhan BSL4 bragged on their website that they have successfully applied nanotechnology to viruses. Nanotechnology to viruses! What is nanotechnology good for when it comes to viruses? Aerosolizing them!  That’s what you do with nanotechnology. You aerosolize viruses and bacteria etc.  to be used as weapons to be delivered by air in order to be breathed by human beings. Aerosolization – Fort Detrick does it too. Aerosolization is always the tip-off of a biological warfare weapon. It serves no legitimate scientific or medical purpose at all. That is why at the Wuhan BSL4 when they work there, they have to wear moon suits and with their own portable air supply. Likewise that’s what they do at the BSL4 at Fort Detrick. That’s what all these Nazi biowarfare death scientists do at all BSL4s.

This is what they do at the BSL4 right here in Pune. I’ve seen the pictures. Whatever nonsense they’re telling you about what’s going on there, this is India’s Fort Detrick. India wants to play with the big boys – the United States and China and Russia, and especially compete with their longstanding adversary China. So they set up their own Fort Detrick in Pune despite the requirements of the Biological Weapons Convention.

So in my assessment of the situation, this is what we are dealing with. This is SARS on Steroids. SARS has a lethality rate of somewhere around 14-15% based upon the scientific literature. This is what we are dealing with in India, in the United States, in Brazil and around the world. It is extremely infectious, it is highly lethal, it is existentially dangerous. Basically, humanity is fighting World War 3 against COVID-19. It will kill millions if somehow we do not figure out collectively how to stop it.

            In the meantime we have to shut down all these BSL3s and BSL4s including India’s Pune BSL4 because they will leak again. They all leak. That is what happened here in China. I believe the leak occurred from as best as I can figure out from the public record sometime around or about the first week in November 2019.  It had nothing to do with the so-called wet market. This is just a cover story and propaganda by the Chinese Communist government. They covered up the SARS bioweapon leak the first time and as you know maybe 1,200 died. Finally we were able to contain SARS. But this is gain-of-function SARS on Steroids that has been aerosolized and has HIV in it. So it is far more and existentially dangerous than the original SARS itself.  And that is why I went live onto Indian television twice to explain to the Indian People what you are up against here in India. And now I am doing this a third time at more length at this scholarly conference.

With all due respect to your previous speaker, and I mean that, the main problem here is not so-called terrorist organizations. The main problem here has always been terrorist governments like the United States, United Kingdom, Russia, China, France, Israel, etc.  and now I regret to say India, with your Pune BSL4.  You will note that at your Pune BSL4 they’re running around in there in moon suits with portable air supplies so that they can aerosolize whatever biological warfare weapons they have there for delivery to human beings. This goes all the way back to the Neoconservative Reagan administration and their Tony Fauci getting involved in applying DNA genetic engineering to biological weapons which I tried to stop with my BWATA legislation. Since that time there has been an offensive biological warfare weapons arms race that has been going on by the major industrial countries of the world: United States, Britain, China, Russia, France, Israel and now I regret to report India has joined their ranks too.  That is what is going on here. That is what we confront as human beings.

It is a long-term problem. All these BSL3s and BSL4s have to be shut down immediately including the one here at Pune. It will leak. There’s no doubt about it. West Nile virus leaked in the United States from the Department of Agriculture Biowarfare Lab there on Plum Island.  It has infected people all over the country. Lyme disease leaked also from that same USDA biowarfare lab on Plum Island and has infected people all over the country. There is a long history of the USDA doing dirty Nazi biowarfare work on plants and animals.

So COVID-19 leaked from that Wuhan BSL4 probably around or about the first week in November. The first case was publicly reported about November 16. At that point at least if not sooner the Chinese government realized there was a leak there and they proceeded to lie about it and cover up about it just like they did on SARS, just like the United States government has done on Fort Detrick, and Plum  Island and some of its other biowarfare labs. They all cover up on it because they know what they are doing violates the Biological Weapons Convention and is morbidly and fatally and existentially dangerous to human beings as well as to animals and plants. So I am not singling China out here. Indeed there was a U.S. State Department delegation that went out to that Wuhan BSL4. PRC had been asking for American help and advice to construct it – the world-renowned experts on biological weapons and warfare are Made in the USA and UK. The State Department came back, and you can read their report in the Washington Post, saying that there were serious safety and technology problems at the Wuhan BSL4. So it leaked, China covered it up, and here we are today. If PRC had acted immediately and effectively to shut down the City of Wuhan and its surrounding area the moment they had notice about it somewhere around or about between November 1-16, 2019 instead of covering it up, perhaps we could have avoided this entire calamity and worldwide pandemic.

Let me just repeat that that research was approved and funded by the U.S.  National Institutes of Health and the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases under Tony Fauci. They all knew all about it. They all funded it. That Wuhan BSL4 was also a WHO research lab. Imagine that, the WHO being a sponsor of China’s First Fort Detrick!

My alma mater Harvard was involved, and they knew all about it and were a Wuhan BSL4 sponsoring institution as well. Imagine Harvard being a sponsoring institution for China’s First Fort Detrick and their Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard Medical School/MassGen was involved in the manufacture of COVID-19. Harvard’s chemistry professor department chair was over there. He is a specialist in nanotechnology applied to chemistry and biology. He worked for Fort Detrick. He had his own nanotechnology laboratory over in Wuhan. Harvard knew exactly what he was doing! So what we are dealing with here is a cabal and a cult of Nazi biological warfare death scientists who do this type of existentially dangerous dirty work in all of the advanced industrialized countries of the world.

Let me conclude then with where we stand today. Since as the Indian scientists correctly determined, and that was confirmed by the French Nobel Prize winner in medicine, HIV is DNA genetically engineered into COVID-19, which I agree is the case, then you are not going to be able to develop a  safe and effective vaccine for Covid-19. There is no vaccine today for HIV/AIDS despite having tried to develop one for the last three decades. Personally I don’t think there will ever be a safe and effective vaccine for COVID-19. And even if Big Pharma says it has developed a vaccine for COVID-19, it will probably be more dangerous than useless. I think the best we will be left with is therapeutics and drugs. Therapeutics and drugs have significantly reduced the death rate for HIV/AIDS and it has significantly reduced the death rate for cancer. We’ve tried to find a vaccine for cancer for the last generation, and it’s failed. But the therapeutics and drugs have worked. I respectfully recommend over here in India that you take your top scientists and put them to work at therapeutics and drugs. I believe any vaccine for COVID-19 will be more dangerous than useless. Therapeutics and drugs are where you should put your money, time, and scientific talents, resources, and expertise. Thank you.


Francis A. Boyle

Law Building

504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.

Champaign IL 61820 USA

Phone: 217-333-7954

Fax: 217-244-1478

(personal comments only)



Παρασκευή 28 Αυγούστου 2020

17 - Kitsikis's interview to Sputnik


17 - Kitsikis's interview to Sputnik

Interview to Sputnik News,Moscow,

28 August 2020

To Andrei Savenkov


Dear Andrei,


1 - There is no intention whatsoever neither from Turkey nor from Greece to go to war in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterannean.


2 - The whole crisis has been pre-arranged by the Western Powers to force the two sides to sit down and agree on an overall settlement of their disputes in the shape of a joint-venture of a common exploitation and not in a separation of profits and losses.


3 - Because of the election period in the United States till November 3, President Trump has left the initiative of directing the agreement to its otherwise rival Germany, knowing the influence of Merkel on both Mitsotakis and Erdogan, awaiting his sure further presence as President after November 3, 2020, when he will take over the lead of this coming Greek-Turkish common venture.


4 - President Trump knows that in case of success of his efforts as leader of the Greek-Turkish Ensemble he will have in some way to compensate his friend Russian President Putin in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean.


5 - Still there remains the small possibility of an accident that would lead to confrontation and also to the now unpredictable character of President Erdogan. Truly, Erdogan, after the failed attempt of 2016 to assassinate him has become another man determined to take incredible risks that he would have never taken before July 2016.


6 - All in all there should be optimism from the American side in the success of the building of a Greek-Turkish wall against the further expansion of the Chinese New Silk Road westward, considered as the main geopolitical threat for Donald Trump`s strategy.


Yours truly,


Prof. Dr. Dimitri Kitsikis 


16 - Sputnik international news-Russia

16 - Sputnik international news-Russia

Turkish-Greek Escalation Stems From Sovereignty Issues Rather Than Hydrocarbons’ Control 

MOSCOW, August 27, 2020 (Sputnik) - The Turkish-Greek escalation that reached a boiling point this month is sparked by their sovereignty issues, which have been simmering for a long time, rather than the actual control over hydrocarbons’ reserves in the Mediterranean, experts told Sputnik.

 The tensions between Athens and Ankara escalated earlier in August after Turkey's Oruc Reis research vessel began exploration drilling in the Greek-claimed waters in the eastern Mediterranean. Greece considers this territory to be its exclusive economic zone, has mobilized its armed forces to high alert, and vowed to protect its sovereign rights by all necessary means. 

The row has reached a dangerous point when both states have started to hold military drills in the contested maritime area. This week, Greece alongside Cyprus, France and Italy held a joint military exercise in the Eastern Mediterranean as part of the so-called Quartet Cooperation Initiative (QUAD), while the navies of Turkey and the United States have conducted joint drills in the same area.


 The Turkish-Greek relations have been shadowed by the disputes for years, but the discovery of hydrocarbon reserves in the maritime zone, claimed by both states, have escalated the tensions, bringing the historic conflict back into the spotlight, Dr. Zenonas Tziarras, the researcher with the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) Cyprus Centre, told Sputnik. 

"The biggest problem in the area is not energy resources, but traditional sovereignty issues pertaining to maritime zones. The discovery of hydrocarbons over the past years exacerbated these problems given that control over maritime space sometimes entails control over natural resources as well, among other things. At least since the early 2010s," Tziarras said. 

Turkey seeks to expand its control over maritime areas and natural resources through its "openly revisionist foreign policy," designed to elevate the country to the status of great power, the researcher noted.

 "The latest crisis is only one episode in a long series of episodes stirred by problematic relations and unresolved issues. The efforts for de-escalating this crisis might be successful sooner or later. However, the core of the problem will not go away unless gunboat diplomacy, especially by Turkey, is abandoned and the two countries engage in dialogue to resolve their bilateral issues. Without a breakthrough in this respect, more crises will follow," Tziarras said. 


After Greece and Turkey have simultaneously launched military drills in the eastern Mediterranean, some have expressed fears that an open military confrontation between two NATO allies could happen by accident or deliberately.

 "There remains the small possibility of an accident that would lead to confrontation and also to the now unpredictable character of President Erdogan. Truly, Erdogan, after the failed attempt of 2016 to assassinate him, has become another man determined to take incredible risks that he would have never taken before July 2016," Prof. Dimitri Kitsikis, an expert in the Turkish-Greek relations, told Sputnik. 

However, "there is no intention whatsoever neither from Turkey nor from Greece to go to war in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean," Kitsikis, who serves as the professor emeritus with the University of Ottawa’s History Department, noted. 

The PRIO researcher is in agreement with Kitsikis that both Turkey and Greece do not seek a military confrontation.

 "The two countries do not want a military confrontation. However, when there are such tensions and military-naval mobilization, the possibility of an accident or a miscalculation is always a possibility, especially if the crisis is prolonged and the diplomatic efforts for de-escalation take a long time or are unsuccessful," Tziarras said.

 The rising tensions between Athens and Ankara negatively impact the unity with NATO, the expert noted. 

"The potential of a conflict between Greece and Turkey has always been a concern for NATO and the United States. For this reason, they have tried in the past to keep the peace between the two countries. Any crisis between Greece and Turkey hinders NATO's unity, regional cohesion and interests. Although Germany and the EU are playing a primary mediation role in de-escalating the crisis, the US and NATO are also believed to be trying to defuse tensions and prevent further escalation," Tziarras underlined. 

As for NATO's role in efforts to deescalate the tensions, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said that he regularly maintains contact with both Turkey and Greece. 


 France decision to send naval forces to the Eastern Mediterranean, which was welcomed by Greece, may add to tensions in the region, Panayotis Tsakonas, a professor of security studies at the University of Athens and the head of the Program on Security at Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), told Sputnik.

 "By implication, France has not been hesitant in supporting Greece in its conflict with Turkey by sending a strong message to Turkey — through the mobilization of its fleet — that this time Turkey went it too far. However, a note of caution should be added here — although Greece welcomes France's initiative aiming at deterring any further Turkish aggression this may also add up to an already heavily militarized region where the possibility of an accident is high," Tsakonas said.

 The expert also mentioned that Paris and Ankara have contradicting interests not only in the Eastern Mediterranean sea but also in Africa, adding that French President Emmanuel Macron and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have "personal antipathy." 

"Based on the aforementioned reasons for France's military engagement in the region I strongly doubt there will be any other country willing to follow suit," Tsakonas added. When addressing the joint response by the European Union to Turkey over Ankara’s actions in the Eastern Mediterranean, the expert said that France and Germany do not "share the same views on how best to deal with Turkey." 

"France is more in favor of punishing Erdogan's aggressiveness through the adoption of direct punitive measures, i.e. sanctions while Germany — which now runs the EU Presidency — is more interested in not letting Turkey further distancing itself from the EU promoting thus Turkey's engagement with the EU," Tsakonas said.

 At the same time, the professor noted that NATO, unsurprisingly, is much more fragmented and divided over the issue with Turkey.

 "Indeed despite a series of strategic divides between Turkey and its NATO allies, the Atlantic Alliance is expected to remain a passive observer with regard to Turkey's behavior vis-a-vis Greece, another NATO member, given that for NATO Turkey remains too big, powerful and strategically important to allow for an open confrontation," Tsakonas said. 

The expert added that the current situation, if it is left unchecked, would have certain negative effects on the stability at the EU’s southern border and said that the EU and the United States should reset their relationship with Turkey "with a new one based on a balanced mixture of carrots and sticks and/or benefits and obligations" as soon as possible.

Δευτέρα 2 Μαρτίου 2020

15 - Erdogan and the Rebirth of the Empire

15 - Erdogan and the Rebirth of the Empire

(Interview given to Gercek Hayat, Istanbul, special issue, 24-29 February 2020, pp. 32-34)

In 1453, the imperial succession passed from the Greeks to the Turks. In 1821, the Westerners through the Eastern Question started the dismantlement of the Empire by persuading the Greeks that the 1453 succession was made to their detriment and that they had to come back to the values of pre-Christian Greece.

The main result was double fold: to enslave the Greeks to the Frankish West and to destroy the Empire after a hundred year civil war (1822-1922) between the two brother nations that had formed the Ottoman Empire.

The extraordinary courage of the Turkish people and their leader Mustafa Kemal who refused to give up to Western imperialism led to the liberation of Anatolia but only after sacrificing the traditions of the Turkish people by throwing the Turkish cultural baby with the water of the bath tub i.e. Islam in the same way than Venizelos had thrown away the Greek cultural baby of Orthodox Christianity.

Since 2002, the extraordinary feat of Erdogan was to put back in place Islam in the heart of Turkish tradition without betraying Ataturk principles of independence of Anatolia while at the same time in Rumeli Greeks through Archbishop Christodoulos were coming back slowly to their Christian traditions.

The result of these evolutions on both sides of the Aegean was a revival of nostalgia for the greatness of the defunct Empire that had been destroyed in the 100 year Greek-Turkish civil war by the West.

On the Rumeli side, Kitsikis was the first Greek that through his numerous publications openly promoted the idea of the coming back of the Ottoman Empire, already in the 1960s while Erdogan followed on his path and on the path of Kitsikis’s spiritual son  Ozal, by promoting openly the rebirth of the Empire around its long time prestigious capital Istanbul.

Nevertheless such a political revival which Kitsikis called the Çamlica dream, referring to the hill on the Asian side of the Bosphorus facing Istanbul as the center of the future federal capital, was considered by everybody an unattainable dream even though one should have known that only dreams make great history.

The seemingly unsurpassable difficulty for the realization of such a bold dream was the existence since the I5th century of the Russian candidate to the Istanbul throne as Third Rome and also the activity of the destroyers of the Empire through the Eastern Question represented by the Western imperialist Powers who wanted a free passage to their Asian colonies through Eastern Mediterranean, a passage that was permanently blocked by the Ecumenical Byzantine-Ottoman Empire.

Nevertheless, 2016 marked a decisive turning point. The coming to power of President Trump and the defeat of former President Obama who failed to assassinate Erdogan. Trump seemed as a present of God.

His seemingly chaotic foreign policy, in fact directed exclusively against China, reversing the century long Western policy of expansion from West to East through the Eastern Mediterranean to an East West expansion using the new Silk Road of Chinese conquest of Western Europe, gave to the Intermediate Region of Civilization which center had always been the Ecumenical Empire for the last 2500 years a new importance: it had to become a wall against China drive to the West.

So President Trump through his seemingly chaotic foreign policy had one and only aim: stop the Silk Road Western expansion by all means. This meant trying to form a chain of alliances with as many nations as possible in Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East and first and foremost with Russia to form a barrier against Chinese expansion.
The dismemberment of the Ecumenical Empire had to be stopped and even it had to be rebuilt. Turkey, since 2002, because of Erdogan, had become a stabilized geopolitical entity which could form this barrier by reviving the Ottoman Empire.

But this could not be done without the reunification of the two shores of the Aegean lake not by splitting it between Greece and Turkey but by reuniting it in the form of a Greek-Turkish Confederation.

I have many times compared the Aegean Sea to a human body with two lungs: the Rumeli lung and the Anatolia lung, with a trachea in the middle for the body to be able to breathe freely: the Aegean Sea. It is nonsense to cut the trachea in the middle: a Rumeli half and an Anatolia half. Because then the body of the Empire would suffocate. This happened in the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913 with the result to have created the present disputes between Greece and Turkey.

So, in order to reunite the Aegean lake the Lausanne treaties have to be revised, even abolished.  Unfortunately the terrible crime of the exchange of populations cannot be mended today. But why not? The Cretan Muslims could come back to Crete and the Karamanli Christian could go back to Cappadocia.

God gave Erdogan the mission to accomplish the dream. The dream of the revival of the Ottoman Empire, perhaps with the help of President Trump. Erdogan represents the forces of unification (Empire) againt the forces of division (Eastern Question). It is neither in the interest of Turkey to be dismembered between Kurds and Armenians nor in the interest of Greece to be dismembered between Thracians and Cretans

I, as an intellectual, I will continue with all my enthusiasm to promote the  reunification dream. Lets God accomplish  his scheme.

Dimitri Kitsikis                        29 February 2020

Τετάρτη 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

14 - Dimitri Kitsikis interview to Gerçek Hayat, 9-15 September 2019.

14 - Dimitri Kitsikis interview published in Turkish in Gerçek Hayat,  weekly magazine, Istanbul, 9-15 September 2019,

Back to the Ottoman Empire

Turkish Interview   August 30, 2019

 Dear Suleyman,

Below are my answers to your questions. Please, do send me a paper copy of your magazine containing my interview to the following address:   Prof.Dr. Dimitri Kitsikis, Department of History, Desmarais Building, University of Ottawa, 55, Laurier Ave East, Ottawa, K1N6N5,Canada (Air Mail), as well as an electronic copy.

1. You have a thesis known as Turkish-Greek State. What means that definitely? Federation, Confederation or something another?

The Turkish-Greek State should be the restauration of the Ecumenical Byzantine-ottoman Empire with its confederal capital in Istanbul under the modern structure of two independent states based in Ankara and Athens linked in a Confederation, gradually increasing its integration in a superior union that would tend to recreate the Empire

2. Both, Modern Turkish and Greek States founded on ideological, opposite nationalist bases. Is that a big challenge for your thesis?

Nationalism is an ideology which appeared in the West in the 18th century and aimed at the replacement of empires by nation-states. The West used this new ideology as a violent poison to destroy the Ecumenical Ottoman Empire and beak it down in nation-states. It started in 1821 with the creation of Greece and ended in 1923 with the creation of Turkey. This  Western imperialistic policy is known to historians as the Eastern Question.

The Eastern Question is an exact repetition of the Western imperialistic policy against the Ecumenical Empire of Byzantium, from 1081 to 1204, the ancestor of the Ottoman Empire. As at the time nationalism did not exist, the West used religion to dismantle the Empire, i.e. the Roman Catholic Crusades against Islam and Christian Orthodoxy. The fourth crusade, in 1204, succeeded in dismantling the Byzantine Empire by destroying Constantinople and creating numerous independent states instead. Fortunately, with the help of the Byzantines, the Empire was reconstituted under the wise rule of the Fatih and the Ottomans in 1453.

3. Yes, we know Turks and Greeks lived peacefully almost a millenium. Who broke this harmony and why?

From 1081 to 1453, the West tried hard, through religion to divide the people of the Empire. They did not succeed as in 1453, the great majority of Christian Orthodox people of Byzantium were «pro-Turkish»  demanding to be liberated by the Ottomans against a small minority of «pro-Latin» Byzantines, considered as sold out to the West. Thus,  May 29, 1453, was considered by the overwhelming majority of Byzantine people a kind of «national day» to be  celebrated as «independence day» . The only problem was the difference of religion inside the Empire. George of Trebizond (1395-1486), the famous Greek philosopher from Crete, wrote to the Fatih (see: Χρστος Κυπραος, '' δεολογία το λληνοτουρκισμο π τν Γεώργιο Τραπεζούντιο στν Δημήτρη Κιτσίκη'' - θήνα, κδόσεις  ξοδος, 2019, ISBN 978-618-84162-0-8 (Christos Kypraios, “The Ideology of Hellenorurkism from George of Trebizond to Dimitri Kitsikis”, Athens, Exodos Publishers, 2019). In this letter to the Fatih George presented a project of merging, in one religion, Orthodox Christianity and Islam on the basis of Bektashism-Alevism which was the religion of the Ottoman family, very close to Christian Orthodoxy. In a word, having the whole of the Greek-Turkish people praying for Christ-Ali, Christ being Ali and vice versa. Even though the Fatih agreed with George he did not go to the end of the project from fear of violent reaction from fanatics from both religions. Myself I have always been a supporter of such a merging scheme as everybody is aware of my support to bektashism-alevism.

4. We also know, Russia and West helped Greece to gain independence from Ottoman Empire. What was the reason for that? Hellenophilia or something hid behind it?

Certainly not Hellenophilia as Great Powers serve only their own interests. Their aim, explained above, was the implementation of the Eastern Question, i.e. the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire.

5. Since West aparted two nations, can we expect it to tolerate Turkish-Greek State today? Any change since then?

The Western game of dismantling today nation-states as a continuation of the Eastern Question(this is what I call the Kuweitization of the Middle East and the Kossovozation of the Balkans) is aimed at preventing any territorial formation that would try to become strong  enough to extract itself from Western hegemony. Nevertheless, acquiring nuclear power would help in giving strength to such enlarged territorial formations. The recent example of Erdoğan’s independent policy is encouraging enough. A common Greek-Turkish venture in the Aegean as well as a two-state  Cyprus Greek-Turkish Confederation could be a good starting point towards a larger Turkish-Greek Confederation between Ankara and Athens under a Trump-Putin single umbrella.

6. Do you think that Greek nation is ready for such a joint venture?

The present Greek State suffers from a total lack of leadership. This is the reason why the majority of Greek people look with envy at the Turkish performances,  saying  loudly, “If only Greece could have a leader of the Erdoğan calibre!”  

7. Did you ever think about a Balkan Commonwealth? Does it sound better?

In the Interwar Period of 1919-1939, Balkan Federation projects was high on the agenda. Second World War stopped the realization of such projects for which I have written tons of studies. My long time scheme of a Turkish-Greek Confederation of  reviving the Ottoman  Empire has always included as peripheral states joined to the Confederation , the Balkan countries as well as  the Middle East countries. Otherwise the scheme of a revived Ottoman Empire would not have any meaning.

8. Let's say you convinced Greeks upon your thesis. How can you convince Turks for that?

I do not need to convince Turks as they are already convinced of the necessity of Erdoğan’s vision of the the resurgence of the Ottoman Empire. My work of persuasion lies primarily with the Greeks and this has been the effort of my long life.

Dimitri Kitsikis, Ph.D.,
Professor Emeritus,
Geopolitics and International Relations,
University of Ottawa,
Fellow, Royal Society of Canada,
Honorary President, The  Dimitri Kitsikis Public Foundation,

Pikoulianika, Laconia, Greece, Plethon House,
August 30, 2019

Σάββατο 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2018

13 - Dimitri Kitsikis, father of a Greek-Turkish Confederation

13 - Dimitri Kitsikis, father of a Greek-Turkish Confederation


Τρίτη 27 Νοεμβρίου 2018

12 - Fasting versus Fanaticism

12 - Letter to a Turkish friend: 

F vs F
Fasting versus Fanaticism or God versus the Devil

1 – Crusaders:  How the Devil took over

Emmanuel Sivan in a remarquable book he wrote in French, in 1968, titled, L’Islam et la croisade (Paris, Maisonneuve), says this:  In the 11th century A.D. in Byzantine Syria, in the city of Antioch (Antakya), the «cradle of Christianity», Christians and Muslims lived together as brothers, making no religious difference between the two communities. Then came warriers from the West and the Muslims were not scared because they thought they were mercenaries of the Byzantine Greeks. But these warriors started slaughtering the Muslims with a cross on their dress and the latter understood they had nothing to do with the Greeks but with the Barbarian Franks, coming from Western Europe. In 1204, these same Crusaders conquered Constantinople from their Greek Christian brothers, slaughtered them and stole everything, transporting their booty to Venice where every stolen byzantine precious artifact is still shown with pride in this city of Western pirates. Since that time, for 700 years the Westerners looted and slaughtered the whole planet turning mad their Third World victims and gave birth among the subjected people to the sick phenomenon called djihadism, which had nothing to do with any religion whatsoever but with the Devil itself.

2 – The Temptation of Christ  by the Devil in  the Desert
In three of the four Christian Gospels i.e.  of Matthew, Mark and Luke, the evangelists say that after being baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights in the Judean Desert. During these fourty days Satan appeared in  front of Jesus and tried to stop him from fasting but without any result. The result was that Jesus was strengthened in his resolutions and after the 40 days returned to Galilee to begin his teaching, because, contrary to what happens today with the Jihadists, Jesus won over the Devil who Jesus calls «the prince of this world».

3 – Why Christian Orthodoxy is nearer to Sufism than to Western Christianity
The main characteristic of Christian Orthodoxy is desert monachism that took birth in the first centuries after the death of Christ in the deserts of Egypt and Syria, following the familiarity with the Palestinian desert of John the Baptist and of Jesus. The word monk is derived from the Greek word «monachos» which means «alone», living alone in the desert. This is why even in the mountains of present-day Orthodoxy (see, the Holy Mountain  in Greece), among the trees and rich vegetation, the monks that live alone call their abode «the desert».

There are five different derivations of the word sufi. All of them refer to poverty due to the spiritual wisdom of a monk and all include the wisdom of the Greek «sophos» (the sage), because a monk is a sage wearing rough woolen («suf») and not silk garments.
A monk is defined mainly by fasting and that is why Western Christianity which never gave priority to monks, also did not insist on the practice of fasting. Up to the 11th century A.D. Western Christianity followed Greek Christian tradition. Nevertheless, after Rome separated from Constantinople in the year 1054 A.D. the West started being loose on fasting arriving to the present day when practically no Western Christian (Roman Catholic or Protestant) fasts even though the word itself remains in their vocabulary. This practical disappearance of fasting in the West is the best proof that Western society has come under the spell of Devil’s practices, something evident from the overall picture of today`s  Western life.

4 – Christian fasting is not total abstinence
Because Christian fasting encompasses more than half of the calendar year, following total abstinence would be an impossible task. So normal Christian fasting means abstain from certain categories of food, i.e. four main ones. Abstinence from animal food that are absent in the desert i.e. no meat, no fish, no eggs, no dairy products, but animals without blood as locusts in the desert or bloodless sea food like squids. For more strict fasting, during certain periods of time, especially for monks, abstention is required from olive oil and wine. Before holy communion total abstinence, including no water, is required.

5 – The periods of fasting through the calendar  year
Even though the general word used for Christian fasting is «sarakoste» which means in Greek «fourty days», the many periods of fasting all preceding Christian holidays, vary from 50 days (before Easter), 40 days (before Christmas), 15 days (before the 15th of August, Virgin Mary`s death) one week to one month before the feast of the Apostles Paul and Peter, and every Wednesday and Friday of a normal week during the year. Exempt from fasting are sick people.

6 – The Ottoman Empire, as the perfect kingdom of God on Earth

The Empire that reigned over the center of the planet Earth, that we call the Intermediate Region of Civilization for 2,500 years, from the Persian Empire, to Alexander’s Empire to the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, arriving at its perfection during the last 650 years of the Ottoman Empire, has been the perfect abode of world civilization, as the kingdom of God on earth, in which all religions were free to worship God through the millet system and fasting.

Today the world is waiting for its total destruction through fanaticism that establishes the kingdom of Satan and its inevitable consequence, the Armageddon. Only the restauration of the Ottoman Empire is capable of saving the planet from total destruction.

Dimitri Kitsikis,                                                                  Ottawa, 27 November 2018